University Of
They are number 1 in the UK for boosting graduate salaries (The Economist, 2017) – the average University of Portsmouth graduate earns £3,100 (13%) above expectations, 5 years after they finish their course. Their graduate employment rates are also among the highest in the UK with 97.5% of their students in work or further study 6 months after finishing their course (Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DHLE), 2017).

Location and Rankings

Portsmouth is an ancient Port City in England, originally established by the Romans in the third century and now a thriving City home to the Royal Navy!

The University is ranked 37th in the most recent Guardian University rankings and has a UK Teaching Excellence Framework Gold award. It has an exceptionally high student satisfaction rating, 88%, and is rated the most economical City in England to work and study in!


Accounting, Economics and Finance (e.g. Accountancy and Financial Management, Finance with Business Communication, Financial Management for Business)

Architecture, Civil Engineering and Surveying (e.g. Architecture, Building Surveying, Civil Engineering, Construction Engineering Management, Property Development)

Art and Design (Animation, Fashion and Textile Design, Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography)

Biological Sciences (Applied Sience, Marine Biology, Biochemistry, Biology)

Business and Management (e.g Business and Supply Chain Management, Business and Leadership Management, Digital Maketing, International Business)

Computing and Creative Technologies (Business Information System, Computer Animation and Visual Effects, Computer Games Enterprise, Computers Games Technology

Education, Childhood and Youth Studies


English and Journalism

Film, Media and Performing Arts

Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Health Sciences and Social Work

History, Politics and Social Studies

Law and Criminology

Mathematics and Physics

Modern Languages and Area Studies


Sports Science

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